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fine texture

  • 1 delicate

    1) (requiring special treatment or careful handling: delicate china; a delicate situation/problem.) sart; vanskelig; ømtålelig
    2) (of fine texture etc; dainty: a delicate pattern; the delicate skin of a child.) delikat; lækker
    3) (able to do fine, accurate work: a delicate instrument.) fintmærkende; nøjagtigt
    4) (subtle: a delicate wine; a delicate shade of blue.) raffineret; fin; delikat
    - delicacy
    * * *
    1) (requiring special treatment or careful handling: delicate china; a delicate situation/problem.) sart; vanskelig; ømtålelig
    2) (of fine texture etc; dainty: a delicate pattern; the delicate skin of a child.) delikat; lækker
    3) (able to do fine, accurate work: a delicate instrument.) fintmærkende; nøjagtigt
    4) (subtle: a delicate wine; a delicate shade of blue.) raffineret; fin; delikat
    - delicacy

    English-Danish dictionary > delicate

  • 2 coarse

    1) (rough in texture or to touch; not fine: This coat is made of coarse material.) grov
    2) (rude, vulgar or unrefined: coarse jokes.) grov
    - coarseness
    - coarsen
    * * *
    1) (rough in texture or to touch; not fine: This coat is made of coarse material.) grov
    2) (rude, vulgar or unrefined: coarse jokes.) grov
    - coarseness
    - coarsen

    English-Danish dictionary > coarse

См. также в других словарях:

  • Texture (petrographie) — Texture (pétrographie) En pétrographie, la texture d une roche caractérise l arrangement des minéraux entre eux. On distingue trois groupes de textures fondamentales : Holocristallines (grenues et microgrenues): les cristaux sont visibles à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fine — (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fine arch — fine fine (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fine arts — fine fine (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fine cut — fine fine (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fine goods — fine fine (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fine stuff — fine fine (f[imac]n), a. [Compar. {finer} (f[imac]n [ e]r); superl. {finest}.] [F. fin, LL. finus fine, pure, fr. L. finire to finish; cf. finitus, p. p., finished, completed (hence the sense accomplished, perfect.) See {Finish}, and cf. {Finite} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Texture (pétrographie) — En pétrographie, la texture d une roche caractérise l arrangement des cristaux entre eux. On distingue trois groupes de textures fondamentales : Holocristallines (grenues et microgrenues): les cristaux sont visibles à l œil nu.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fine — I. a. 1. Minute, small, little, comminuted. 2. Slender, delicate, capillary. 3. Light, of delicate material, of fine texture. 4. Keen, sharp. 5. Thin, subtile, tenuous, attenuated. 6. Exquisite, nice, refined. 7. Excellent, super …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • texture — [ tɛkstyr ] n. f. • 1380; lat. textura 1 ♦ Vx Disposition des fils (d une chose tissée). ⇒ tissage. 2 ♦ Par anal. (1503) Arrangement, disposition (des éléments d une matière). ⇒ constitution, contexture, structure. Texture spongieuse des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fine — Fine, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fined} (f[imac]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Fining}.] [From {Fine}, a.] 1. To make fine; to refine; to purify, to clarify; as, to fine gold. [1913 Webster] It hath been fined and refined by . . . learned men. Hobbes. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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